

What is success?

If you’re like me, you’re interested in learning about successful people.
I enjoy reading about the habits, philosophies, behaviours and influences of those who have managed to accomplish great things.
Not only do I find it motivating, but by understanding how and why successful people do what they do, I pick up tools and ideas that I can use to improve my own life.

So what is success?

As I have discovered over the years, I came to realise that success has many different definitions depending on who you ask.
The dictionary defines success as the accomplishment of one’s goal; the desired result of an attempt; or one that succeeds.
I know many people think the success is all about money, fame, and power.
But the many stories of unfulfilled lives and burnout among so called “successful people” shows however that success is not solely about achievement or possessions.
In my mind, success in life is much more than just money and power.
It is defined by your actions and how you live your life.