


Psychological tricks our mind plays on us as investors:

What is standing between you and property investing success?  It could be YOU!
Maybe you’re too biased to be a successful property investors mind set rich money lesson think motivational learn teach money
What do I mean by that?
Well…did you know that as property investors we can sometimes be our own worst enemy?

That’s because we’re subject to cognitive biases — the way our brains sneakily convince us to make decisions that aren’t always in our best interests. Cognitive biases may convince us to spend more, save less, and feel more confident in our decisions than perhaps we should. And the scary thing is, for the most part, we’re powerless against them.

People tend to search for information that confirms their view of the world and ignore what doesn’t fit.
In an uncertain world, we love to be right because it helps us make sense of things. We do this automatically, usually without realising; partly because it’s easier to see where new pieces fit into the picture puzzle we are working on, rather than imagining a new picture.
For example if we believe that a particular type of property or a specific region will make for good investing, then we tend to only seek out news and information that supports that position.
Confirmation bias also prevents us from looking objectively at an investment we’ve already made. Once we’ve bought a property we look for information to confirm that we’ve made a good investment while as the same time ignoring information that may indicate the investment may be a questionable one.