

Learning About Real Estate Investment

Learn How To Invest in Real Estate

Real estate has always been thought of as a solid, long-term investment, and with property prices recovering from bad economy, there may never have been a better time to invest. As great as the opportunity is right now, it would be a big mistake to jump right in without first arming yourself with a little knowledge about real estate investment. Let’s face it, the goal of any investment is to make money, and if you rush into the world of real estate investing, without knowing any of the salient details, chances are you are going to lose the vast majority of your money.
If you are going to invest your money in real estate, then investing some time to learn the ins and outs will give you the best chance of success. Where you should begin is with developing an understanding in how the market works. That means learning the terminology that surround the real estate market, as well as understanding how properties are valued, what makes one area a better place to buy than another, as well as finding out all you can about transferring titles and title insurance. There is a ton of information online, and you should also look into purchasing a couple of good books on the subject; knowledge truly is king.

Finance and Real Estate Investment

Once you have a firm grasp of how it all works, you’ll next have to look at ways to get into the financial side of everything, without having to risk all your money in doing so. A good place to start is by looking for properties that have a lease option, which basically means that you can get started with as little as $1 down, with the sale price either agreed upon when the lease is agreed upon, or at a later date. It’s also a very good idea to look into property management companies, as the day to day demands of owning multiple properties, especially finding renters’, can take up a large chunk of your time.

If lease options are how you want to start out, then a large part of your “job” is to track down highly motivated sellers who, for one reason or another, will be willing to sell their property at a greatly reduced price, or on terms that are very much in your favor. You may feel a little guilt at what you feel is taking advantage of home seller’s personal issues, but at the end of the day you will actually be helping by taking the property off of their hands.
An example of putting that all together would be investing in a property in an affordable, yet thriving area of Sydney, such as Pyrmont or East Sydney, and then leaving the management of said properties in the hands of the Oaks Group who have an intimate, working knowledge of the area and the buildings they manage. Making smart decisions at the start of your investment career, can lead to long-term profitability and a large return on your initial starting costs.