

Filling Your Home With Memories

5 DIY Tips To Make Your House Feel Like A Home

The easiest and arguably best way to make your house feel like a home is by filling it with your special and unique memories. So, here are five DIY tips to get you started:

Tip 1: Photos, photos, photos  

Photo BoxPhotos are, of course, one of the best and most obvious ways to fill your home with memories. But as well as popping your photos in to frames to display on both the walls and shelving, there are other ways you can display the images that take you right back to a special time or place.

How about picking your favourite and having it transferred on to canvas?

It couldn’t be simpler to do. Just choose the photo and upload it to PhotoBox – then the rest is done for you, all you have to do is work out where you want to put it. You could also have a photo transferred to a calendar, to bring back a different memory each month, or on to a mug that will make you smile every time you have a cup of tea. 

Tip 2: Decorate your walls

Besides hanging photos there are several ways to quickly and easily decorate your walls, without too much effort and that will instantly personalise the space. How about a scratch map – so you can scratch off places as and when you visit them? Or a framed print or painting that evokes memories of a special time in your life? You could even put up a corkboard that can slowly be filled with memories over time, from postcards to tickets.

Tip 3: Collect souvenirs

Forget the tacky magnets and novelty gifts and pick up a few pieces on your travels – whether that is to another country for a holiday or a day out somewhere special with friends or family, which you can place around your home to bring back those memories. Perhaps a vase, bowl, or ornament – these are all visually pleasing as well as being useful additions for your home.

Tip 4: Memory Boxes

Memory boxes can actually be a wonderful addition to your home, and are perfect for storing your memories in an organised manner. If you travel a lot, for example, split these up into countries. Take a wooden box, paint it and write the name of the country on the outside – then you can fill the inside with anything from tickets to leaflets and maps. Display this on a shelf and then you can take it down to look through whenever you wish.

Tip 5: Give your belongings a new lease of life! 

Don’t let those items that mean a lot to you sit at the back of cupboard or collecting dust in the loft because you don’t know what else to do with them. Everything from the kid’s old cuddly toys, to your wedding dress can be transformed into something new. Your wedding dress, for example, could be recreated into pillows for your bed or sofa. While you wouldn’t have your wedding dress on display and would rarely get it out just to look at, this enables you to turn it in to something useful that you can smile at when you see it every single day.