

Buying well in a buyers market

Firstly, don’t try and be smart and time the market – even the experts can’t time the market. But don’t rush in and make an emotional purchase.
Instead do careful research – not just on line – but pound the pavement and get to know local prices and understand how the local market is behaving and make sure you don’t overpay.

Now more than ever it is important to get a good team around you including a proficient mortgage broker to help you through the maze of finance and the banks, and a buyers’ agent to help Australian Money In Wallet On Real Estate Backgroundlevel the playing field when you’re in the thick of things against agents.

Don’t be scared to buy at auction – there is generally less competition nowadays.
Be prepared to buy before auction but be careful. Currently agents are trying to convince buyers to make pre-auction offers because they have only one or maybe two potential buyers for a property and they don’t want to end up conducting an auction where there isn’t competitive bidding.