

The Wall-Mounted Electrical Hearth: 5 Key Advantages

The Wall-Mounted Electrical Hearth: 5 Key Advantages

A wall mounted fireplace can look fantastic in a room, however it’s also practical as well as beautiful and here are the five main advantages and reasons to consider one.

1) Versatility

A wall-mounted electrical hearth is suitable for use in any room of the home. Hearths can be mounted wherever you need to improve the overall level of comfort in the colder months. Wall-mounted hearths are so versatile that they’re even common in commercial businesses, and if you keep your eyes open you’ll see them faithfully serving in restaurants, hotels, and clubs everywhere you go.

2) Compactness

When you compare all of the different options available to you for providing supplementary heating, wall hearths are almost always the most compact option. At every level of power output, a wall-mounted unit will take up less space than its floor-mounted equivalent ,look at these examples from Wall Fireplace Pros. The smallest of wall hearths are about the size of a picture frame, allowing you to place them anywhere.

3) Simplicity

Unlike a fuel-burning hearth, an electrical hearth has no venting requirements. This makes installation a breeze; you simply mount the fireplace and supply it with power. There’s no need to fuss with the installation of gas lines or stocking up on a fuel supply that needs to be constantly replenished.

4) Eco-Friendliness & Economy

If minimizing your ecological footprint is a priority for you, going electric is the best way to minimize harmful emissions from your home. Running a wall-mounted electrical fireplace doesn’t put a strain on your energy budget, either. With a typical model, running the unit for an hour costs only 12 cents when it’s in heating mode. The flame-only mode is even more efficient, using up only 3 cents worth of power in an hour.

5) Attractive & Appealing

Wall-mounted fires can be minutely adjusted to suit your desires both in terms of warmth and appearance. It’s easy to shut down the warming circuits when they’re not needed and you still get the beautiful ambiance of a natural flame. This makes an electrical hearth useful all year round.

Speaking generally, investing in an electrical wall-mounted fireplace is a great idea. Thanks to the benefits described above, you’ll get a lot of utility out of the money you spend on a good hearth. Upgrading your home to take advantage of the beauty of an open fire doesn’t have to be expensive or labour-intensive; electrical models make beautiful fireplaces affordable and easy to install.