

How To Choose And Place Sculptures And Other Gardening Pieces Of Art

When it comes to selecting a sculpture, you should choose something that you love. It is a known fact that one of the best improvements in a landscaping project is a sculpture. When it comes to buying one, you should not limit yourself to those that are trending alone. The structure could be modern, native, realistic, traditional, religious, personal, heirloom or abstract.

Sticking With A Style
The style of your garden or home can influence the type, design or size of sculpture you will pick. For example, you have decided to go with a Japanese style garden; then it would be best to go with Buddha or Lanterns statues to maintain and enhance that theme. For a modern style, abstracts sculptures would fit very well. This technique does apply when it comes to traditional style designs; of which it would be best to go with a formal statue or an abstract art piece.

Area Of Application
Where do you want to place your sculpture or statue or outdoor wall art to go? You should have an answer to this, before buying any piece of art. At the same time, it should apply, when you want to place several statues in your garden. Let the larger piece of the statue act as the focal point and it will draw eyes to that particular point. The main reason is that it can be seen from all angles. Go for something that educes emotion. At the same time, have it placed in such a way that it will be seen from the front, around, and at a distance.

Let other smaller pieces of art enhance the appearance of the garden. They could work best around or closer to a mass of flowers.

The Material Choice
It is a fact that sculptures are available in various materials such as metal, limestone, concrete, bronze, or fiberglass. All these materials offer their benefits as well as the best areas they could be applied.  For example;

•    Concrete and limestone are suited well for formal and traditional gardens in relation to style and color

•    Bronze, metal, and fiberglass are flexible in relation to design.

It is also important to know that metal sculptures are durable. On the other hand, concrete and limestone will weather with time. Here are some good ideas.

Size Matters
The size of your sculpture will make your garden feel large or small. For example, if you have a smaller garden, then it is advisable to choose a smaller piece that will not take up most of the garden space. On the other hand, the central section should be better.

Other Additional Features
There are sculptures that come with added features such as water fountains, lighting systems or come with feeders that attract birds, which all bring life to your garden.

The Benefits Of Plants
Plants are known to increase an absolute value to a garden as well as enhancing its attractiveness. As such, you will need to know the best kind of plants to use in the garden that will go hand in hand with your landscape design. In other words, go for plants that are smaller and those that will not block any sculpture.